Nobody Likes Soggy Food! 🍟
Let’s face it when it comes to meal times we all have a particular way we like to eat but this doesn’t just start with food, it starts with food presentation and all those extra sides you want with your meals. For perfectionists and fussy eaters you’ll all know what we mean! This is where we’ve made meal times a little cleaner and easier for you…Our clip on dip separators are just what you need! Separate your sauces from your food and never have soggy chips/wedges ever again!
Have you ever been to a restaurant and have a lot of chips on your plate and always save the crispy ones till the end because you love those the most? We have and sometimes by the time you get to the end they’ve already mixed in with the ketchup and are soggy! So when we’re home we don’t ever want this to happen. With the sauces also, if you’re like us you’ll want more than one sauce on your plate but you wouldn’t want ketchup to taste like mayonnaise would you and you wouldn’t like mayonnaise to take like ketchup would you? So why not avoid these issues!
These clip on dip separators clip onto any plate or bowl in seconds and won’t leave a scratch due to the extra grip! They’re plastic so they’re easy to clean and everyone will benefit from them. They’re even designed for both adults and children, safe and easy to use everyone will love them! They’re great for using for main dinners, lunches or even snacks- we love to use them when we make nachos! Not everyone loves the salsa making the nachos soggy either!
Another type of cuisine they can be used for is definitely Indian food- with Indian food you usually have the curry and many sides such as rice, naan and yogurt and sometimes you’r carry extra plates in for no reason! So with a dish like this you can clip these on easily and place your yogurt in there. This way the naan, rice and curry don’t mix with the nice cool yogurt dip. There are so many dishes that will benefit from the dip clips the list is endless…
So what is the dish that troubles you the most? The dip clips will definitely be a positive change and if you ever want to warm up your food you don’t have to worry about warming up the sauces too-simply clip off and warm up your food then clip the sauces back on! That way you have a cleaner plate and cleaner microwave!
Just dip away...🍅